Thursday, October 30, 2008

Date with Granna

Each year for Maddie's birthday, Granna takes her on a special date. She looks forward to it all year long! This year was extra special because they stayed in a hotel! Just the two of them. Here a few pictures of their time together.
Here is the movie star waiting outside the hotel!

They ate at the Wild Fire Steakhouse in Georgetown! One of my favorites, my birthday is in September Granna!Granna even let Maddie drink some of her coffee. Here is her reaction:
The hotel had a indoor pool. Maddie practicing her cannon ball. They went to see High Musical 3 the day it opened!
Maddie's favorite was going to the Inner Space Caverns and seeing the bat the size of a chicken nugget. Here she is with Granna in the cave.

The gift of time is the best gift of all. Thank you Granna for making Maddie feel so special!

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