Monday, November 03, 2008

Crowe's Nest

I have fallen behind in posting about school so I decided to highlight a few of our field trips. This week we went to Crowe's Nest Farm in Manor.

We started our day with a picnic lunch. Then the kids watched a video all about the animals on the farm. They had a huge barn full of turtles, snakes and other wildlife. Here is Maddie posing with a painting inside of a turtle shell.

Then they gave a lesson on milking a cow and the milk production process. It was cute because most of the kids were shocked that the milk from HEB came from dairy cows on a farm.

Then we rode on a hayride. We saw lots of other animals. The girls favorite was the Ostrich. Caden was enthralled with everything. This was the first field trip that he got really involved. Here is Kinley posing with one of Maddie's best buddies, Dillyn on the hayride.They had tons of farm animals along with a butterfly garden. Here are the girls outside of the Fairy Garden.

This farm had a ton of exotic animals too. They have rescued several animals and keep them in cages as pets. They had a bobcat which thrilled my girls since they have heard so many stories about our childhood pet bobcat "Tuffy". We had just finished studying a unit on owls. Maddie has been drawing pictures of barn owls everywhere and sharing bits of trivia with me. I thought I would end with a picture of the barn owl from the farm.

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