Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Kinley's prayer

Kinley is a child that has a lot of fears. We had to move her out of her crib at 22 months because she was afraid the cookie monster was going to get her. What child do you know is afraid of the Cookie Monster?

One of her greatest fears is fireworks. Since she was a baby, she has hated loud noises. Fireworks terrify the poor child. This New Year's Eve, she sat curled in a ball on Cece and Richie's floor with her ears covered while all the other children screamed for more fireworks.

This morning I was up early having my quiet time in the living room. Kinley asked if she could pray with me. During her sweet prayer, she said" Thank you God for fireworks because I know Maddie really loves them." My heart swelled up with pride at the thoughtfulness of my sweet Kinley. Her love for her sister helped her see past her own fears and be thankful for someone else's joy. I learn so much by just being her mom.

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