Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tea Time

Maddie's class is studying China this week and they had a special Chinese Tea party at school. Kinley, Cade, and I decided to have our own tea party at home. We made blueberry muffins and had Apricot Honeybush tea.
We had a delightful time until Cade said the tea smelled like "poo poo". Appartently that is poor tea party etiquette and Kinley the "Tea Party Princess" let him know. I am sure his wife will thank her one day.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

aah...the difference between boys and girls! whoever says there isn't a difference hasn't had one of each! :) Get ready for lots of years of "poo poo" talk--my boys can work it into any conversation!
miss you all and wish we lived closer! our boys could wrestle and our girls could have fabulous tea parties!