Well we made it through Madison's first week of school. We are all loving it! It is a great fit for our family. Our biggest struggle is trying to narrow down all of our ideas to a feasible schedule! Our second struggle has been with handwriting. We have tried to find some unique fun ways to work on this with both of the girls. We tried writing in shaving cream. The girls loved this. We have also done rice or sand. If anyone else has any fun ideas, please let me know!
This week the Bible Story focused on the Creation. Rob helped the girls to make a bird feeder and a squirrel feeder for our backyard. We also made a book about the days of Creation.
The theme for Science/Social Studies was Family. Family is so important to Madison so she was thrilled to get to do some activities with this one. We made a huge Family Tree dating back to Great Great Great Grandparents. This was a lot of fun.
She also came up with the idea to make a video about her family. We came up with 20 interview questions and interviewed Mimi and Grandaddy, her great grandparents and Granna, her grandmother so far. I have really enjoyed the interviews myself. Madison has referred to some of the stories several times the last couple of days so I know they impacted her too. She really wants to have a hair cutting party like the ones Granddaddy had when he was little. My girl likes to party! If I ever get the video downloaded, I'll try to add it to this post later.
Studying this theme with Madison has just reminded me how blessed we are to have such a great family! Each family member seems to always take time with each of my kids and really invest themselves in their lives. It takes a village! Good thing we have a Big Family!
5 days ago